Lip Fillers

Lip Fillers Wollongong 

Doctor With Syringe Injects Lips Augmentation — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

Come Experience Our Dermal Lip Filler Treatments At Our Corrimal Clinic In Wollongong

If you’re looking for fuller but natural looking lips, Our Wollongong clinic offers a wide range of dermal lip filler treatment plans. Our team of dedicated professionals are committed to helping you achieve lips you are proud of, ensuring you leave our clinic with a new sense of confidence. 

We're on a mission to make lip fillers look more natural, so we'll work closely with you throughout the process to really understand what it is you want to achieve. For natural-looking lip fillers in Wollongong, get in touch with us at 02 8325 1625 or book online today. Whether you’re looking for more information, or want to book an appointment, our friendly team are happy to help!

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  • Before And After Lips Filler Injections — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

  • Young Woman With Plump Full Lips — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

We Provide Tailored Lip Filler Injections To Suit Your Individual Needs And Goals

Here at Cosmetic Injectables and Skin, we understand that no two people are the same, which is why when it comes to lip fillers, we ensure everybody's treatment is personalised to their goals - and their lips! Our in-depth consultations help us to understand what you're hoping to achieve and allow us to create a plan that works best for you. We also take this time to educate our clients on all the possible treatment options and risks to make sure they understand what getting lip fillers involves. To find out more, contact us at 02 8325 1625.

Our Lip Filler Process – What To Expect

We always begin with a personalised consultation, which allows us to establish your goals and determine the best treatment plan for you. At this stage, we'll also talk you through the treatment so you how it's going to work and are fully aware of any risks that could occur (although side effects are very unlikely). This is also a great time for you to ask any questions you may have. We then decide on a schedule for any follow-up appointments, taking into account your busy lifestyle.
In terms of the treatment itself, our dermal lip fillers are a biodegradable gel injected into your lips. This treatment mimics the existing natural hyaluronic acid to help keep them hydrated. This is a natural substance that's already in your lips, so we just add the amount agreed upon during our consultation. The treatment only takes 15-30 minutes and can expect to see results immediately. For more information or to book an appointment, call us at
02 8325 1625.

  • A Lip Filler Injection — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

  • The Doctor Makes Lip Augmentation Procedure — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

Our Clinic Provides The Highest Quality Lip Filler Products

At Cosmetic Injectables and Skin, we take great pride in the standard of our treatments, so you can rest assured all our staff are qualified and we only use licensed techniques. It's never wise to choose a clinic based on price - lip fillers are cosmetic procedures and should be taken seriously, so if a clinic is offering cheap rates, this is a red flag. Make sure the clinic you book with holds all the necessary licences and has good reviews from past clients. Remember that low-cost treatments are simply not worth the risk to your appearance or health.

Who Can Benefit From Lip Filler?

Many people would benefit from having lip filler, but just some examples include:

  • People who aren't happy with their lips - maybe they're small or not very plump
  • People who are starting to show signs of ageing – lip thinning is a common sign
  • People born with thin lips
  • People with asymmetrical lips who wish to make their upper and lower lips more even
  • People who lack self-confidence due to low self-esteem about their lips
  • Close-up On Woman During Lip Filler Procedure — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

  • Woman Getting Beauty Injection For Lips — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

How Long Does Lip Filler Last?

Our dermal lip fillers are a biodegradable gel injected into your lips. This is a natural substance which helps to retain moisture, giving the lips a plump and youthful appearance. The duration of lip fillers varies depending on the individual's metabolism, the type of filler used and the amount injected. On average, lip fillers can last anywhere from six months to a year. However, it’s important to note that the longevity of the results also depends on how well you take care of your lips post-treatment. Regular hydration and avoiding excessive exposure to the sun or extreme temperatures can help prolong the results of your lip fillers.

How Long Does Bruising Last After Lip Filler?

Bruising is a common side effect of lip filler injections. It occurs when the needle penetrates the skin, and the filler is injected into the lips. The severity and duration of bruising vary depending on the individual's skin type, the amount of filler injected and the injection technique used. In general, bruising can last anywhere from a few days to a week. However, there are several ways to minimise bruising after lip filler injections. Applying ice to the lips before and after the injections, avoiding blood-thinning medications and avoiding alcohol and caffeine can help reduce the risk of bruising.

  • Woman Wearing A Hairnet Undergoing A Lip Injection — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

  • Doctor On Pink Gloves Doing A Lip Filling Procedure — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

Tailored Treatment Packages / The Consultation Process

At Cosmetic Injectables and Skin, we understand every individual has unique cosmetic goals and preferences. That’s why we offer tailored treatment packages designed to meet the specific needs of each client. Our clinicians conduct a thorough consultation to understand your concerns, goals and expectations. During the consultation, we’ll assess your lips, skin and facial features to determine the most suitable treatment plan for you. We’ll also discuss the type of filler used, the amount required and the expected results. Our goal is to provide you with natural-looking and long-lasting results that enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence.

The consultation process at Cosmetic Injectables and Skin is comprehensive and informative. Our clinicians will explain the entire treatment process, including the risks, benefits and aftercare instructions. We encourage our clients to ask questions and share any concerns they may have. Our team is committed to providing a safe, comfortable and stress-free experience for our clients.

The Injection Process

The injection process for lip fillers is quick and relatively painless. Our clinicians use a fine needle to inject the filler into the lips, carefully placing it in the areas that require enhancement. We use a gentle and precise injection technique that minimises discomfort and reduces the risk of bruising or swelling. The entire procedure takes around 30 minutes, and you can return to your normal activities immediately after the treatment.

  • Woman During A Lip Filling Procedure — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

  • Close Up Image Of Lip Filling Procedure — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

Aftercare Instructions

After the treatment, you may experience some swelling, tenderness and bruising around the lips. These side effects are normal and should subside within a few days. To minimise discomfort and ensure optimal results, we recommend avoiding strenuous activities, exposure to extreme temperatures and wearing lipstick or lip gloss for at least 24 hours after the treatment. We also recommend avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption for a few days after the treatment, as these can affect the healing process and the longevity of the results.

Touch-Up Treatments

While lip fillers can last for several months, they are not permanent. Over time, the filler will gradually break down and be absorbed by the body. To maintain the results, we recommend touch-up treatments every six to twelve months. These touch-up treatments involve injecting small amounts of filler into the lips to enhance their shape and volume. Regular touch-up treatments can help you achieve long-lasting and natural-looking results.

  • Happy And Satisfied Woman After A Lip Injection — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

  • Beautiful Girl On Lip Fillers Procedure — Lip Fillers in Wollongong

Contact Us Today To Book A Consultation Or Learn More About Our Dermal Lip Fillers

If you'd like to learn more about our dermal lip fillers or book a complimentary consultation, then contact our Wollongong clinic on 02 8325 1625 or book online today. We offer a wide range of cosmetic injection products including Anti-Wrinkle Injections, Massater Reductions, Hyperhidrosis Treatments + More! We also offer cosmetic treatment packages for our clients who want to combine treatment options. 

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Lip Fillers Wollongong FAQs

  • Are lip fillers safe? What are the potential risks and side effects?

    Lip fillers are generally considered safe, especially when administered by trained professionals like the team at Cosmetic Injectables and Skin in Wollongong. We use high-quality lip fillers that have undergone extensive testing and have been approved for use. However, like any medical procedure, there can be potential risks and side effects. These may include swelling, redness and tenderness around the injection sites. 

    There is a slight risk of side effects like lumps or irregularities in the lips, infection or an allergic reaction, though these are unlikely. Rest assured; we always discuss these potential risks with our clients prior to the procedure and supply you with detailed care instructions to reduce any aftereffects of the treatment. 

  • Can lip fillers be customised to achieve natural-looking results?

    Lip fillers are highly customisable, meaning we can tailor the results to suit your desired look. At Cosmetic Injectables and Skin, we believe in enhancing your natural beauty, and our lip filler procedures reflect that. We consider your facial features, proportions and your desired outcome, to customise the lip fillers to suit you. If you want slightly enhanced lips, we can prove a beautifully natural result and if you want a more dramatic look, we can provide a plumper look. 

    Our dermal lip fillers are biodegradable and mimic the existing natural hyaluronic acid in your lips to help keep them hydrated. This is a natural substance that's already in your lips, so we just add the amount agreed upon during our consultation.

  • Is the procedure painful? What kind of anaesthesia is used?

    Most people find the procedure to be mildly uncomfortable rather than painful. To minimise any discomfort, we apply a topical local anaesthetic cream to the lips before the procedure. This numbs the area, so you won’t feel any pain, making the procedure as comfortable as possible.

  • How long is the recovery period after getting lip fillers?

    Recovery times can vary depending on the individual and the type of filler used. Most people find that most of the swelling and redness subsides within 24 to 48 hours. The treatment itself only takes 15-30 minutes and you can expect to see results immediately, however, it can take around two weeks for the lips to fully settle into their new shape. We always provide specific aftercare instructions to help speed up recovery and achieve the best results.

  • Are there any restrictions or precautions to follow before or after the treatment?

    Yes, we recommend that you avoid vigorous exercise, alcohol and sun exposure for at least 24 hours before and after the treatment. These can increase blood flow to the area and potentially exacerbate bruising or swelling. It's also a good idea to avoid blood-thinning medications like aspirin a few days before the procedure. After the treatment, it's best to keep your lips moisturised and avoid excessive touching or manipulation of your lips.

  • Can lip fillers be combined with other cosmetic treatments?

    Lip fillers can be combined with other cosmetic treatments for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. This might include anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers in other areas of the face, or masseter reduction injections to soften your jawline. It's best to discuss your options with your cosmetic professional at Cosmetic Injectables and Skin in Wollongong to create a treatment plan that meets your specific needs.

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  • Woman With Plump Full Lips

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